On Monday, February 3rd, our office was excited to welcome middle school students throughout the Midlands for Job Shadow Day along with Chief Terrence Green and the Lexington Police Department.
Chief Investigator James Sullivan and Senior Assistant Solicitor Rhonda Patterson assisted in organizing this effort and along with several of our prosecutors spoke with these students about the Solicitor's Office, the role of a prosecutor, and generally about the criminal justice system. Solicitor Rick Hubbard also shared a few words with the students. The students were able to explore one of the courtrooms and observe a small mock trial involving Goldilocks.
Thank you to Deputy Solicitor Shawn Graham, Assistant Solicitors LeAnna McMenamin, Jordan Cox, Kelly Oppenheimer, Kyle Smith, Carlisle Kennedy, Whitney Yongue, and Ashley Wellman, and paralegal Kaitlyn Clarke, who played Goldilocks, for participating in the mock trial.
We look forward to hosting several students again for the next Job Shadow Day.