By Judicial Order of the South Carolina Supreme Court, the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Solicitor's Office was granted permission to establish an adult Drug Court program, therefore, the Circuit Solicitor has complete prosecutorial discretion, oversight, direct supervision, and control over the program. On July 25, 1996, Lexington County implemented the first drug treatment court in South Carolina. The Drug Court program is now operational in all four counties of the Eleventh Circuit.
Drug Court provides intensive drug treatment and supervision to eligible offenders. The Court has three tracks: diversion, post plea (condition of probation), and probation violations. Drug Court is designed for non-violent offenders with serious drug addictions. Drug Court does not accept drug dealers, however, addicts who sell to support their own habit may be selectively channeled into the program. Defendants on the diversion track have their cases postponed in the Court of General Sessions until graduation from the program. Defendants who successfully complete and graduate from Drug Court on the diversion track shall have their charges dismissed. The defendant is eligible to apply to the court for an order of expungement. Defendants who fail to graduate face prosecution.
Defendants in the post plea (condition of probation) track plead guilty with the Solicitor's recommendation of Drug Court. Defendants in the probation violation track enter on the recommendation of their probation agent and administrative hearing officer. Those who successfully complete have their probation reduced or ended. Those who fail may face an active prison sentence.
Defendants are admitted into the Program after a rigorous screening process conducted by the Drug Court Director, treatment provider, and the assigned assistant solicitor (and Probation Department in revocation cases). Recommendations are received from arresting officers and victims. Drug Court is a highly structured, rigorous, and disciplined program. Defendants who agree to participate in the Program must review and sign the appropriate waivers and agreements. Once admitted, the defendant enters intensive treatment under the ongoing scrutiny of the Drug Court Judge. Defendants remain under the Court's supervision for at least one year.
Costs (All fees are non-refundable)
Application fee …......……….……............. $ 100.00
Participation fee...………………............... $ 100.00 per month
Restitution to victim(s)............................ TBD

*** Drug Court does not accept walk-in appointments. ***