Eleventh Circuit Solicitor Rick Hubbard praised his staff for their work. “This week, we handled numerous matters by videoconferencing. Our prosecutors are diligently working to ensure justice is served in Lexington County despite the in-person court restrictions. Several serious offenders were sentenced by Circuit Court Judge William P. Keesley to lengthy, active prison sentences for offenses in Lexington County during this term of court.”
Damerio Milek Jones, 19, was sentenced to fifteen (15) years following a guilty plea to Discharging Firearms into a Dwelling, Criminal Conspiracy, and Possession of a Stolen Pistol.
- On February 3, 2020, Jones, along with a juvenile accomplice, discharged approximately twenty-three bullets into a home on Hammond Avenue in West Columbia just before four o’clock in the morning. When the shooting occurred, a family with three children were sleeping in the home. The investigation revealed that multiple bullets travelled through the home with one bullet travelling just over the bed in the master bedroom as the parents were sleeping.
- Just prior to the shooting, a witness observed a dark-colored sedan parked in the roadway near where the shooting occurred. After the shooting, one of the victims looked outside and saw a black sedan speed past the home. While law enforcement was on scene investigating, the victim observed the same vehicle drive by. Officers performed a traffic stop on the vehicle and the juvenile accomplice was in the vehicle along with the handgun used in the shooting. The juvenile admitted to his involvement in this shooting and implicated Jones as the shooter. Another witness and recordings of Jones implicated him in the shooting as well. During the investigation, gunshot residue was detected on the juvenile’s hands and on the clothes Jones was wearing.
- The juvenile pled guilty this week for his involvement as well and received an active youthful offender sentence. This case was investigated by the West Columbia Police Department and prosecuted by Eleventh Circuit Assistant Solicitor Sutania A. Fuller.
Milton Whaley Mahaffey, 47, was sentenced to twelve (12) years following a guilty plea to Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor in the Third Degree and Unlawful Conduct toward a Child.
- On May 12, 2018, Lexington County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a 911 call regarding Mahaffey physically assaulting a minor. Multiple witnesses reported seeing Mahaffey assault the minor prior to law enforcement’s arrival that day. The minor disclosed to deputies on scene to years of sexual assaults by Mahaffey to include one that occurred that day. During the investigation, two other minor children disclosed that Mahaffey had sexually assaulted them as well. As a result of these convictions, Mahaffey will be placed on the sex offender registry and the central registry of child abuse and neglect.
- This case was prosecuted by Eleventh Circuit Assistant Solicitor LeAnna McMenamin and investigated by the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department.
Colby Alfred Henke, 38, was sentenced to eight (8) years following a guilty plea to Assault on a Police Officer While Resisting Arrest and Threatening the Life of a Public Official.
- On May 1, 2020, an agent with the South Carolina Department of Probation, Pardon, and Parole responded to a home in Lexington County to conduct a standard visit with a parolee. Upon the agent’s arrival, Henke approached the agent and repeatedly threatened to shoot the agent in the face and beat him. Despite all attempts to defuse the situation, Henke ignored all commands and continued to threaten the agent. He then proceeded to charge at the agent in an attempt to assault him. At this point, the agent called for emergency backup.
- Lexington County Sheriff’s Department deputies arrived to assist, however, Henke continued to be combative and ignored all commands. He also kicked and attempted to bite a deputy while they were attempting to place him under arrest. Due to Henke’s combative behavior, law enforcement resorted to placing him in a violent prisoner restraint during transport to the detention center. While at the detention center, Henke threatened to kill a Lexington County Sheriff’s deputy. Henke has numerous prior criminal convictions, including Willful Obstruction of a Law Enforcement Officer.
- Assistant Solicitor Whitney Yongue of the Eleventh Circuit Solicitor’s Office handled the prosecution of this case.
Damerio Jones' Booking Photo
Milton Mahaffey's Booking Photo
Colby Henke's Booking Photo